1923 S Santa Fe Ave Los Angeles, Ca 90021
Saturday, November 16 at 6:00 PM 9:00 PM
Ends Dec 21, 2019
INTERIOR/EXTERIOR is an exhibition by New York-based American artist Darryl Westly. Westley's work alludes to a mental space, most likely on a screen reflecting back at you, which compounds into a physical space, such as a list of handwritten hashtags or an intimate selfie snapped in some exotic bathroom beyond. That place between one’s mind and body is the vortex of the show. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR ponders our inherited confusion of contemporary perspective. In Westly’s paintings exist a universe of confirmation bias, skewed planes, disjointed landscapes, and pixelated architecture; an odalisque cuddling with HelloKitty, a patio table set before a pop-up window selling sex, and a Greco-Roman muse precariously balanced in front of an African American field worker, likely a slave. In these paintings, Westly visually walks the viewer back to a cozy place in Plato’s cave and describes to the children of the internet yet another way to comb through mediated reality.