Hamishi Farah: Antagoni
621 Ruberta Ave, #3 Glendale, CA 91201
Saturday, November 21 at 12:30 PM 4:00 PM
Ends Jan 9, 2021
Château Shatto is pleased to announce 'Antagoni,' Hamishi Farah’s first solo exhibition at the gallery, The exhibition consists of five portraits of figures with covered faces and a painting of a large bee. These works commune with five readymades, signed by the artist, while fabricated as self-portraits by the self-styled trans-racial American figure, Rachel Dolezal. Black representation is a site of reality-shaping conflict, suffering partisan and dogmatic deployment in its imminence as an emergent narrative. While representational painting has been shackled to narrative, representation itself flirts with an atemporal immanence upon arrival at a Blackness understood outwardly as a concept that negatively structures human capacity. Appointments to view the exhibition can be made on the contact page of the gallery website. Appointments are one hour in duration, can include up to four guests, and require masks to be worn at all times.