Brian Getnick: Hyper Effigy
3611 Pomona St., Los Angeles, CA 90031
Saturday, April 3 at 4:00 PM 9:00 PM
Ends May 30, 2021
Opening by appointment April 3, 2021 from 4-9pm Open Hours by appointment Thursday nights 7-9pm Insert Blanc Press is pleased to present Hyper Effigy, a new exhibition by Brian Getnick at General Projects & Outside Gallery. In Brian Getnick’s new body of work, he offers two sculptural investigations of icons associated with fascism, terrorism, and the pre-modern past. “Ersatz Fighting Unit” draws inspiration from the 20th century interwar period and features a blue officer (sprouting donkey ears) facing off against a red balaclava wearing revolutionary. In “Abyss Standard” ancestral faces and dream entities merge in statuettes radially arranged to mark a weekly cycle of Trumpian era crisis. In Hyper Effigy, Getnick forwards caricature as a magical language; a grammar of soldiers, trolls, terrorists and skeletons, equipped to dislodge propagandistic representations of the other from their historical ideological functions. On display in Outside Gallery are a monumental soldier’s head, a cudgel and a red medusa; sculptural props from “Secret Joy”, a performance Getnick directed in 2019 after a journey to Eastern Europe*. Time slots are limited to four people max every 30 minutes. Please wear masks and maintain spatial distance of 6 feet or more. Please honor the time slot you have signed up for as RSVPs are limited. General Projects is located in a converted garage accessible via a small ramp and one step thru a 35 inch wide doorway. Bring your own headphones for an audio tour on your phone. *travel and research in Eastern Europe for “Secret Joy” and “Ersatz Fighting Unit” was facilitated by the Yiddishkayt Helix Fellowship.
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