6150 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048
Saturday, September 30 at 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Ends Oct 28, 2017
In 1965, shortly after the release of his influential book Understanding Media, Marshall McLuhan was approached by the publisher Jerome Agel with this challenge: “Do you believe that a children’s book could be developed from Understanding Media?” The outcome, which appeared in 1967, is the profusely illustrated The Medium Is the Massage, an audacious experiment in the conveyance of difficult thought via innovative layout. The Medium Is the Massage is the point of departure for SOME LIKE IT COLD, a suite of 63 street posters produced by Jan Tumlir and Christopher Michlig. Those words of McLuhan’s most prone to “jump off the page” of the book were sent to Tribune Showprint, a commercial poster printing shop founded in Indiana in 1878, to reformat in letterpress type-blocks atop grounds of silkscreened color in any way they saw fit. Thereafter, several more layers of information were added by Tumlir and Michlig to the results they received back in the mail. Some of these additions reinforce McLuhan’s original thoughts, and some undermine them. Basically, SOME LIKE IT COLD is an attempt to answer to The Medium Is the Massage across the divide of a half-century. The Medium Is the Massage turned fifty years old this year.