Holiday is pleased to present Miller Robinson: Of this body; of this earth at the historic Southwest Museum. The exhibition opens on May 20 from 1-3pm and will be on view until June 16, 2018. The Southwest Museum was originally founded in 1907 by Charles Lummis in Downtown Los Angeles and relocated in 1914 to its current location, designed by Sumner P. Hunt and Silas Reese Burns, in Mount Washington. Robinson’s exhibition takes place in the 281-foot-long tunnel built in 1920 and modeled on Casa de Monjas at Chichen-Itza. The tunnel was intended as the pedestrian entrance to the museum which sits on a hill 100 feet above, and was initially full of a series of historical dioramas, housed in alcoves along both sides of the tunnel, depicting the lives and times of the Native people from the region that became California. Of this body; of this earth is an investigation of the historical and mythological overlaps of earth, body, and tool. By exhibiting raw materials, handmade tools, diagrammatic drawings, and recordings of fire, Robinson aims to understand and connect the dots between matter, time, and human existence. More info: