1702 Lincoln Boulevard, LA, CA 90291
Saturday, January 17 at 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Ends Mar 12, 2015
Venice Arts presents “One Person Crying: Women and War,” an exhibition by Pultizer Prize—winning photojournalist Marissa Roth. Shot on film over the course of 29 years and covering twelve conflicts, this global photo essay addresses the immediate and lingering effects of war on women. The exhibition is accompanied by an artist-led gallery talk, a documentary film screening series, and a documentary photography workshop taught by Roth. All events take place at Venice Arts, 1702 Lincoln Blvd., Venice.Roth states, “In an endeavor to reflect on war from what I consider to be an underreported perspective, the project brought me face to face with hundreds of women who endured and survived war and it’s ancillary experiences of loss, pain and unimaginable hardship.”“Marissa Roth’s images of women who’ve survived war are alternately disturbing, inspiring and illuminating of the staggering burdens borne by those fighting with their hearts and minds to protect home and family,” writes Carol J. Williams, Los Angeles Times senior international affairs writer and former correspondent in the Balkans, Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq. “The battle to restore normalcy drags on for years after the shooting stops, and women’s forced roles as provider and protector forever transforms their relationships and family status when the men, whether victorious or vanquished, stagger back home.”The exhibition was curated by Howard Spector, Los Angeles, CA, co-director of the South Pasadena Arts Council (SPARC), an NGO consultant, and panelist for the National Endowment for the Arts and the US Dept. of Education.