709 N. Hill Street, Suite 104-8 (upstairs, Asian Center), Los Angeles, CA, 90012
Friday, August 31 at 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Ends Sep 28, 2018
Key Observation Point originates from the artist’s interest in the "Landscape Scenic Quality Scale", a metric pioneered by a group of landscape architects and foresters in the late 20th century who sought to quantify beauty as a means of environmental protection. The scale’s system, language, and founding ideology are now embedded in the political process of legitimizing development projects of high impact. The Chiquita Canyon Landfill’s most recent Environmental Impact Report uses the Landscape Scenic Quality Scale to break down the site’s surrounding areas into seven key observation points.
Situated within LACA's physical collection, the artist's landscape renderings investigate these observation points and perspectives. Vividness, intactness, and unity, are the three guiding principles through which a landscape’s beauty is understood as scenic fact. Using the report’s descriptions as a script for painting, Battin questions the forensic motives of transfiguring space into language and data, while exploring the pictorial traditions that inform our relationships with nature.