6750 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90038
Saturday, September 15 at 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Ends Oct 27, 2018
Regen Projects is pleased to present an exhibition of new paintings by Lari Pittman. On view will be a series of twelve portraits of textile fabrics arranged alongside their corresponding human portrait. This marks his eighth solo presentation at the gallery.
Over the course of his decades-long career, Pittman has developed a singular visual aesthetic that has established him as one of the most important painters of his generation. His intricately constructed and multi-layered works draw on the history of painting with an emphasis on decoration and the applied arts. Pittman’s signature style utilizes various methods of applying paint to the canvas, ranging from stencils to spray to unadulterated applications of the medium. Each work features a glossary of decorative marks, codes, and signifiers. This body of work is inspired by such diverse sources as the interdisciplinary practice of Sonia Delaunay, Alastair Morton of the Edingburgh Weavers, and the scenic and costume designs of Natalia Goncharova. With each painting, Pittman asks the viewer to question what constitutes a portrait and what differentiates it from a still life.