6522 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028
Thursday, January 3 at 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Ends Feb 24, 2019
Curated by Narei Choi and Nicolas Orozco-Valdivia
Emerging Curators Program 2019
Opening Reception January 3, 2019 7-10 PM
Exhibition Dates: January 3 — February 24, 2019
In the past year, K-Pop group BTS not only became the first Korean musical artists to top the U.S. record chart Billboard 200, but also the first foreign language album to claim the #1 slot in twelve years. In the same year, South Korea hosted the 2018 Olympic Winter Games, and the world watched as the leaders of North and South walked across tense borders, embraced, and held hands. The rising visibility of Korean cultural and corporate influences on the world stage make K-Pop a special test-case for the broader question of how meaning is circulating across culture, capital, and history in 2019.
This exhibition brings together K-Pop and contemporary art to begin an exploration of how popular media mediates our relationship to politics. Grounded in works by a multi-generational, international group of artists, and supported by programming that reaches out to fans in Los Angeles,Take My Money/ Take My Body adopts the verbs and affects of K-Pop and its fandoms to address the love-hate complexities of subjecthood, consumerism, and nationalism.
Featuring artists Peggy Ahwesh, Olivia Campbell, Jiwon Choi, Mike Grimm, Han Sol Ip, Gelare Khoshgozaran, Ahmet Öğüt, Levi Orta, and Chung Qin.