Mandy Harris Williams: Raising My Voice
1717 East 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA
Sunday, February 3 at 3:00 PM 5:00 PM
Ends Feb 3, 2019
Raising My Voice is based on artist Mandy Harris Williams’ observations while teaching in the classroom. In light of the recent LAUSD Teachers Strike and the current US government shut down, young people are witnessing moments of protest, strike, shutdown, and exasperation. How do they make sense of these moments of elevated tension and how can they learn from them? To reflect on the need to raise one’s voice, be part of this interactive installation where you create hand-drawn messages to be projected on an oversized blank picket sign. A short educational video by the artist about confrontation and protest is available to help participants create an appropriate tone and slogan for their unique message. The drawings may be left on the projector for other museum visitors to see. Mandy Harris Williams(b. 1988, New York, NY) is an artist, writer, and educator. She has recently collaborated with Third Magazine on a limited-edition pamphlet titled #brownupyourfeed. Her writing and reflections on social media influence can be found at her Instagram account @idealblackfemale. She participated in the lit series Hard to Read: Body Language and contributed to MEL Magazine. Williams currently resides in Los Angeles.
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