3rd International Global Karaoke World Championships with Kim Jong Un
410 Cottage Home St., Los Angeles, CA 90012
Friday, April 12 at 7:00 PM 9:00 PM
Ends Apr 13, 2019
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE–Fresh from his nation’s supreme victory at Hanoi–Supreme Leader of the DPRK–The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong Un (Seung-Min Lee) will make an appearance on the Pacific Rim of Los Angeles, California, USA at Human Resources LA to host The 3rd International Global Karaoke World Championships. Presented here will be the greatest innovation to International Relations: Karaoke Diplomacy. On a mission to share the DPRK’s national ideals of unilateralism, peace, and friendship in unity with the progressive peoples of the world through the magic of song, he will be accompanied on keyboard by Comrade Sameer Kapoor.
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