6522 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028
Saturday, June 29 at 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Ends Sep 1, 2019
Join us for the opening reception June 29, 2019 2-6 PM!
A NonHuman Horizon curated by Andrew McNeely
Exhibition Dates June 29, 2019 to September 1, 2019
A NonHuman Horizon explores art that situates California’s ecology in meditations of personal and collective social marginalization. By bringing into dialogue work by Andrea Chung, Eddie Rodolfo Aparicio, Jenny Yurshansky, and The Harrison Studio, this exhibition aims to draw into focus larger questions about the entanglement of the natural world and beliefs in human dignity. In a prospective fashion, the emerging artists gathered in this exhibition reflect on the resonances between the state of exile and invasive plant species, transnational extractive industries and bi-national identity, and entrenched stereotypes around motherhood and “natural” birth. In a retrospective fashion, this exhibition seeks to hold open the above concerns over a reappraisal of California’s eco-critical past. Taken together, these artists’ work call on us to contemplate conservation’s horizon beyond themes of nature’s restoral, reclamation, return, and reconstitution.
Image Credit: Eddie Rodolfo Aparicio, MaSeCa, 2019. Courtesy of the Artist