TransVagrant and Los Angeles Harbor College Fine Arts Gallery are pleased to present Peedrow Boogie Woogie, recent work by Ann Weber. The exhibition will open with an Artist’s Reception on Saturday, October 5, from 4 — 7 PM.
“Jazzy” is not an adjective common to descriptions of the visual arts, particularly sculpture. It is, however, the first word that came to mind while visiting Ann Weber’s recent work.
Dutch painter Piet Mondrian was fascinated by American jazz, particularly boogie-woogie, finding its syncopated beat, irreverent approach to melody, and improvisational aesthetic akin to what he called, in his own work, the "destruction of natural appearance; and construction through continuous opposition of pure means–dynamic rhythm." His painting Broadway Boogie Woogie is the inspiration for this exhibition.
Much the same would describe Weber’s sculpture; free standing or wall-mounted, it pulses with the energy, eroticism, and rhythm of dance. Austere and minimal in means, the work is constructed of found cardboard cut into strips and built on armatures, remarkable in its defiance of material restraints.
Peedrow Boogie Woogie runs through December 13. Gallery hours are Monday — Thursday, 11 AM — 4 PM, and by appointment. For additional information please visit