3015 Dolores St Los Angeles, CA 90065
Sunday, November 3 at 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Ends Dec 14, 2019
San Pedro-based Tony Marsh presents ceramic works from his ongoing Crucible and Cauldron series.
Sun You presents panel works made from acrylic and polymer clay, and two of her small-scale sculptures, as well as installation elements painted or printed directly onto the gallery’s walls.
The Binder of Women print folio includes work by artists Michelle Blade, Claire Colette, Yasmine Diaz, Jamie Felton, Rema Ghuloum, Janna Ireland, Kysa Johnson, Galia Linn, Bruna Massadas, Sarana Mehra, Maysha Mohamedi, Erin Morrison, Laurie Nye, Hilary Pecis, Julia Schwartz, and Ginger Wolfe-Suarez.