Don't Repeat. Don't Repeat.
8687 Melrose Ave, Suite B377
Saturday, January 11 at 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Ends Feb 1, 2020
MASH gallery opens 2020 with DON'T REPEAT. DON'T REPEAT., a fully immersive exhibition that celebrates to the highest degree the definition of juxtaposition.
A solo exhibition, featuring a collection of oil paintings by artist C von Hassett, curated by Amanda Brown of The Resin Collection and MASH gallery owner, Haleh Mashian.
DON'T REPEAT. DON'T REPEAT. serves to provoke a difficult conversation and to challenge society's approach to the deeply uncomfortable. The fundamentals of art is culture and this exhibition shines a spotlight on humanity's cultural crises and social injustices of the past, present, and future.