À GOGO (+ Preview Party at W Hollywood Hotel)
8687 Melrose Ave, Suite B377
Thursday, February 13 at 7:00 PM 11:00 PM
Ends Mar 21, 2020
MASH Gallery is pleased to present the À GOGO Preview Party at W Hollywood Hotel on Thursday, February 13, 7-11pm.   À GOGO is a disco deluge of contemporary art. This show is all about an “over the top” reflection of a complexity of concepts orchestrated through a variety of mediums used by the exhibiting artists. À GOGO emphasizes both the processes of making art and the final product that explodes into visual ecstasy. MASH Gallery’s goal is to highlight a selection of both LA-based and international artists while elevating all the human senses thought this high-energy exhibition experience. Join us for the À GOGO Preview Party at W Hollywood Hotel, and make sure to RSVP on Eventbrite, agogo.eventbrite.com ---------------------------- MASH Gallery invites you to the Opening Reception of À GOGO, Saturday, February 15, 7-10pm. "Assertively Dynamic" the À GOGO exhibition showcases pieces from several artists whose work is the definition of trend-setting pop art.  Every facet of this exhibition is taken to the extremes. Through a multifaceted, culturally diverse and technologically advanced exhibition, MASH Gallery will highlight a selection of both LA-based and international artists. Join us for the opening reception, for this high-energy exhibition experience.    RSVP now on Eventbrite: agogo-mash.eventbrite.com FEATURED ARTISTS: VICTOR ATKINS MAGGI HODGE TERRY HOFF DAVID HOLLEN ALINA KARO JILL KNOX HALEH MASHIAN MIDABI JOHN MONN LOVED ONES JON PANNIER ROBERT STANDISH CARLOS ULLOA VAKSEEN DOMINGO ZAPATA
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