Opening IG Live (updated):
Exhibit to be viewed here:
Avenue des Arts is proud to introduce "Without Warning", a virtual group exhibition featuring 15 amazing artists. These incredible paintings by Dennis Osadebe, Joram Roukes, Angeles Agrela, Ly, ThankYouX, Matt Gondek, Michael Cline, Rhys Lee, Suzuki Takako, snipe1, UFO907 and more, depict different aspects of our lives that relate to the current pandemic and the unfamiliar requirement to social distance.
Tune into our virtual Opening Reception on our Instagram Live @thealleydesarts on April 25th at 2 PM PST. We’ll have a virtual gallery, LIVE discussions with artists, and new artwork all set up for your viewing.
IG Live Schedule:
2:00 - introduction
2:15 – Matt Gondek
2:30 – Michael Cline
2:45 – Maxwell McMaster
3:00 – ThankYouX
3:15 – Brett Crawfrord
3:30 – Rhys Lee
3:45 - Suzuki