3540 Winslow Dr. LA, CA 90026
Saturday, September 5 at 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Ends Oct 4, 2020
Raghubir Kintisch is a multidisciplinary artist, painter, social practitioner and educator whose projects focus on the confluent nature of art and spirit. Her projects tend to be theme-based and executed as a suite of images and objects often including sound and/or video elements.
For her exhibition at Winslow Garage, Kintisch presents a series of large, highly textured wall pieces composed of black and white ink drawings combined with textiles symbolic of cultural rituals from both the artists’ personal experience and from the larger history of women’s lives. Though the examination of the performance of ritualized behavior, these works question the purpose and use of these practices though the past, during their current usage, and into a possibly untenable future.
Kintisch has a BFA in Painting from RISD and an MFA in Public Practice from OTIS. She currently teaches at OTIS College of Art and Design, Los Angeles Country High School for the Arts and Notre Dame High School.