6522 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028
Saturday, October 3 at 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Ends Nov 22, 2020
Ser todo Es Ser Parte/To Be Whole Is To Be Part
October 3 - November 22, 2020
Curated by Selene Preciado
Sidewalk/Storefront viewing hours:
(Gate will be open for visitors to see the show through the gallery windows.)
Thu & Sun 12pm - 6pm
Fri & Sat 4pm - 9pm
LACE is thrilled to work with Selene Preciado, curator of our upcoming exhibition, Ser Todo Es Ser Parte / To Be Whole Is To Be Part, a project that brings together a group of artists working fluidly within historical and contemporary traditions of drawing, illustration, graphic arts (including printmaking), street art, and muralism.
Featured artists: Demián Flores, Rurru Mipanochia, J.Chavez, and Celia Herrera Rodríguez
“Using speculative fiction as a way to decolonize theory, this exhibition proposes a non-linear interpretation of time and place through narrative. Departing from an impetus of reclaiming this current moment and our presence in it, the title and framework of this exhibition are inspired by the concept of “the return,” not as nostalgia for an alleged better past, nor to an ancestral home, but the return as a continuous voyage of the collective self; a voyage which is cyclical, an ourboros. To have traveled and continue to travel from utopia to dystopia and back, but with a sense of evolved consciousness, that informs our present and our territories. The 1974 novel The Dispossesed, Ursula K. Le Guin hides in plain sight the core of her story, in an epitaph that reads: “To be whole is to be part; true voyage is return.” The title of this project takes the first section of this statement to represent the intersection of themes, iconography, and subversion of concepts of time, identity, gender, and sexuality, in the work of the artists in the exhibition.” -- Selene Preciado
Image Credit: Rurru Mipanochia, Vivi Tlazolteótl, 2018 (detail), courtesy of the artist.