743 N. La Brea Avenue
By Appointment:
What is the meaning of matter?
What does it matter?
What is truth?
Where is beauty?
When is the truth beautiful?
When is form beautiful?
When is form transcendent?
When is form transgressive?
When is form revolutionary?
When is form funny?
Which is funnier, a screw or a bolt?
Which is funnier, a d-ring or an eye lag?
Which is funnier, communism or capitalism?
Who is funnier, Donald Judd or Agnes Martin?
Who is better, Donald Judd or Agnes Martin?
Who is better, Donald Judd, Agnes Martin or Goya?
Which is better, here or now?
Which is better, now or later?
Is the infinite the same as the finite?
Which is funnier, a hose clamp or a c-clamp?
Which is funnier, piles or holes?
Who is better, Brancusi or Ozu?
Who is better, Michael Heizer or Ozu?
Does Michael Heizer ever think about the relationship between his sculpture and Ozu’s films?
Who is better, Paul Thomas Anderson or Ozu?
Who is better, Ozu or Goya?
Do values belong to an individual or a society?
Who is better, Robert Moses or Mussolini?
How far is too far?
Is this it?
Can the ground be vertical?
Which is better, something or nothing?
Which is better, a pack of Lucky Strikes or a pack of Marlborough Reds?
Which is better, a pack of Marlborough Reds or a painting by Cézanne?
Is the h-bomb the post modern sublime?
Is pain a route to purity?
Is progress good or bad?
Is Casablanca good or bad?
Is Carl Andre good or bad?
Am I good or bad?
Am I right or wrong?