FUPU: Black Women and Performance in the Punk Rock Tradition
600 State Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90037
Thursday, October 22 at 5:00 PM 6:30 PM
Ends Oct 22, 2020
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fupu-black-women-and-performance-in-the-punk-rock-tradition-tickets-122734316645?aff=CAAMEnews As a rock 'n' roll pioneer, Tina Turner paved the way for an entire generation of rock and subgenre musicians to emerge. Amongst them is FUPU, South LA’s own all-Black, femme punk band. During this evening of history and music, trace the group’s roots with FUPU lead vocalist Jasmine Nyende and performance artists Gabrielle Civil and mayfield brooks as they explore Black women’s performance and their work in relation to Nikita Gale: PRIVATE DANCER. RSVP for Zoom instructions.
  • 🖤Black-owned