I Am Woman: Promoting Self-Worth in Contemporary Black Art
600 State Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90037
Thursday, March 18 at 5:00 PM 6:30 PM
Ends Mar 18, 2021
Though standards of what constitutes “beauty” have broadened, Black women remain underrepresented in mass media depictions of ideal beauty, where Eurocentric aesthetics still dominate. In this conversation during Women’s History Month moderated by Assistant Curator Taylor Bythewood-Porter, artists Genevieve Gaignard, Deborah Roberts, and Grace Lynne Haynes share how their work explores imaging Black women and the shaping of racial and personal identity. RSVP for Zoom instructions. https://caamuseum.org/programs/talks-and-workshops/i-am-woman-promoting-self-worth-in-contemporary-black-art
  • 👀Must see
  • 🖤Black-owned