Ananya Dance Theatre: Dastak: I Wish You Me | Screening and Virtual Talk
2701 N Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90049
Wednesday, May 26 at 6:00 PM 7:00 PM
Ends May 26, 2021
Ananya Dance Theatre Dastak: I Wish You Me | Screening and Virtual Talk FREE View on demand Talk: Wednesday, May 26, 6:00 pm (PT) About the Program In the wake of George Floyd’s killing and the social uprising that followed, Minneapolis-based Ananya Dance Theatre set out to make Dastak: I Wish You Me. Named for the Farsi word dastak, meaning “knockings,” this performance-based film traces the knockings of global injustices on our hearts. Witness Dastak’s powerful artistry using a link to view the film on demand. Then tune in to a talk and Q&A with choreographer Ananya Chatterjea and collaborators Sharon Bridgforth and Spirit McIntyre as they share how artists and community members came together to create this timely, inspirational new work. Directed by Darren Johnson. (2020, 25 min. No MPAA rating.) “I refuse the binary where dancers can be entertainers or they can be thinkers. My thinking is powered by my dancing, and my dancing is powered by my critical analysis. I have aligned my balance with justice.”—Ananya Chatterjea Reservations required More info and reservations: Featured Image: Still from Dastak: I Wish You Me (2020), directed by Darren Johnson, courtesy of Ananya Dance Theatre.