When: June 12th - July 5th, 2021
Where: bG Gallery, Bergamot Station, 2525 Michigan Ave #A2, Santa Monica, CA 90404 Web:
gestaltprojects.com Phone: +1 (310) 906-4211
If you are coming to see the work of a particular artist it is preferred but not required to come during the time-slot that corresponds to their color: Neutrals: 2-3pm, Reds: 3-4pm, Blues: 4-5pm, Greens: 5-6pm, Yellows: 6-7pm if you come dressed in that color you will receive 5% discount on any work that is in that color spectrum.
Closing Reception: Saturday, July 3rd 3:00pm – 6:00pm PST
Part curatorial, part installation Spectrum-Gestalt brings together artists’ works from a wide variety of genres and mediums, grouping them into an expansive spectrum of color.