216 S. Louise St, Glendale, CA 91205
Tuesday, July 13 at 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Ends Jul 16, 2021
Come this Tuesday, July 13th for a special late night viewing of our current exhibition, Serj Tankian: The Incandescent Pause.
Influenced by the Russian Expressionist painter Wassily Kandinsky’s theories on color and synesthesia, Tankian explores the themes of movement, tone, dissonance, harmony, and chromatics to create his incredibly dynamic and expressive works.
The embedded musical score that accompanies each piece in the exhibition are accessed via Arloopa, a mobile application that utilizes optical recognition technology to allow users to listen to each painting by way of audio headsets.
The gallery will be open from 5:00PM-10:00PM for those who have not had the opportunity to view the exhibition. Contact
info@tufenkianfinearts.com if you have any questions about the exhibition or the works on display.