NFT WTF: Do I Need to Care About NFTs?
Sarah Conley Odenkirk and Jesse Damiani
October 27
7 PM - 8 PM
Whether the pairing of technology and art is exciting or confusing, resistance may be futile. Sarah Conley Odenkirk and Jesse Damiani help unpack the complex world of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) in a participatory conversation by providing a useful framework for artists and creative professionals on how this technology may benefit their practice.
Sarah Conley Odenkirk, is a partner in Cowan, Debaets, Abrahams, and Sheppard LLP’s Entertainment group. She co-leads the firm’s art law and NFT practice, and advises artists, collectors, dealers, and art institutions in artworld negotiations and transactions.
Jesse Damiani is a writer and curator whose recent exhibitions include Synthetic Wilderness at Honor Fraser Gallery, PROOF OF ART at Francisco Carolinum Linz, and Sea Change at Vellum LA. He is Director of Simulation Literacies at Nxt Museum, a Forbes Contributor, and currently writing a book about postreality.