3209 W Washington Blvd Los Angeles CA 90019
Saturday, October 23 at 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Ends Nov 20, 2021
OCT 23 - NOV 20 2021
r d f a is pleased to present Funhouse: A Celebration of Los Angeles Painting, featuring the work of 43 Los Angeles painters. The exhibition celebrates the diversity and uniqueness of painters working in Los Angeles in 2021. Many works in the exhibition were made during the global pandemic we are currently living through, adding an immediacy to the show. The artists included span generations, ideas, and stylistic nuances that perhaps reflect the current state of painting, an act that seems more and more rebellious in the face of artificial intelligence and computer animation. The artist labors alone in his or her studio, confronting historical precedent that challenges the intellect as well as aesthetics. Painting will probably be an act that will translate to space travel, high speed planes, cars that drive themselves...The artists included in the exhibition:
Lisa Adams, Daniel Adkins, Joshua Aster, Hilary Baker, Paddy Campanaro, Cole Case, Helen Chung, Brian Cooper, Michael Coughlan, Sydney Croskery, Cherie Benner Davis, Jonathan Donaldson, Doug Edge, Sam Erenberg, Samantha Fields, Michelle Fierro, Robert Fontenot, Luke Forsyth, Carson Garhart, Alexa Gilweit, Marion Lane, Robert Levine, Matt Lifson, Cathy Lightfoot, Liz Markus, Dan McCleary, Lester Monzon, Khang Boa Nguyen, Beryl Odette, Chris Pate, Kristopher Raos, Adam Ross, Sonja Schenk, Steven Steinman, Nick Taggart, Mary Grace Tate, Samantha Thomas, Ruben Vincent, Andrew West, H K Zamani, Jody Zellen
Image: Sydney Croskery