Exhibition walk-through w/ Leigh Salgado & Genie Davis
170 S La Brea Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90036
Saturday, November 13 at 4:00 PM 6:00 PM
Ends Nov 13, 2021
Masks required, COVID protocols practiced or join us on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82060660252?pwd=ZFhkUnJvZ2k1MGRleTFzZWd1NUl5dz09#success LAUNCH Gallery is proud to present the fourth solo exhibition by Los Angeles artist Leigh Salgado. In her current series, As the World Turns, Leigh continues her intricate, meditative process of cutting, painting and collaging paper to create objects of depth and beauty. Salgado investigates ideas of the feminine as an act of female empowerment. These works communicate a wide array of emotions and ideas of gender, identity, culture and beauty.
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