Off the Press: "The Good Kings"
308 Charles E. Young Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90095
Tuesday, November 30 at 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
Ends Nov 30, 2021
Join the Fowler in welcoming bestselling author and UCLA Egyptology professor Kara Cooney for a program about her publication released this month: The Good Kings (National Geographic). A provocative narrative about the “impossible attractions of masculine rule, yesterday and today,” Cooney’s book focuses on five ancient Egyptian pharaohs: Khufu, Senwosret III, Akenhaten, Ramses II, and Taharqa. At this time, when democracies around the world are threatened or crumbling, Cooney will explain why Egypt still has much to teach us about our continued proclivity to choose leaders in the mold of “strong men,” whether we call them kings, presidents, or chairmen. RSVP at link: