8687 Melrose Ave, Suite B377
Saturday, March 26 at 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Ends Mar 26, 2022
Mash previously exhibited À GOGO II at the W Hotel, and the event consisted of a collection of unique works from local, national and international artists referring to an extensive array of their technique, visual strength, language, and culture. We are extremely supportive of all artists and are committed to bringing creativity and inspiration to our community. For those who could not make it to the opening at the W Hotel Hollywood, please join us for the Closing Reception and experience here at the gallery.
Featured Artists for À GOGO II:
Sarah Bereza, Isabell Beyel, William S. Dutterer (Catalyst Contemporary), Carrie Fell, Marko Gavrilovic, MGGZ711, Trew Love, Haleh Mashian, John Monn, Andy Moses, Rachel Nelson, Kenny Nguyen, Moises Ortiz, Luis Sanchez, Aman Shekarchi, LeRone Wilson.