157 W. 27th Street, Los Angeles 90007
Sunday, April 3 at 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Ends Apr 3, 2022
Sow & Tailor is pleased to present This Too Shall Pass, our first solo exhibition with new paintings by Los Angeles-based artist Aryo Toh Djojo.
Aryo Toh Djojo’s exhibition features new airbrush acrylic paintings on canvas and a site-specific sound piece installation. Carried throughout the imagery of Toh Djojo’s paintings is a recurring sense of familiarity. Sunset. Traffic. Sex. Each work distills a moment in time, laden with nostalgia and refusal in equal measure. At once, his paintings feel intimate and personal, yet their distance and gauzy rendering give way to alienation and foreboding. Bubble. Rosary. Explosion.