Posthuman Bodies in Web 3. Panel Discussion
7673 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles CA 90046
Wednesday, May 11 at 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Ends May 11, 2022
Vellum LA and
Marcel.Art presents a panel discussion addressing the salient question of how the posthuman body is used in Web 3.
As we become more immersed and dependent on rapidly evolving technology, it becomes increasingly difficult to discern the boundaries between humans and machines.
The proliferation of self centered technology pushes our society to put forward ‘improved’ versions of ourselves, giving way to a multitude of individualized personas. But can this multitude live as a community? And if so, where would they live? What is home for virtual beings?
Moderated by Alice Scope and Jesse Damiani
Featuring Artists: Huntrezz, Qianqian (Q), Floontz