3320 Civic Center Dr., Torrance, CA 90503
Saturday, October 29 at 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Ends Oct 29, 2022
Please join us for a panel discussion with three of the artists from our "Un-Civil War" exhibition: Michele Jaquis, Allison Stewart and Keith Walsh.
Michele Jaquis is an interdisciplinary artist, educator and academic administrator based in Los Angeles. Her work examines the complexities within personal and social relationships, identity, language and communication.
Allison Stewart is an American artist and photographer also based in Los Angeles. Her work focuses on the archetype of the hero and the effects war and guns have on our culture.
Keith Walsh is a Los Angeles-based artist and activist whose work the maps the transformation of political attitudes and relationships of activism in the US and Los Angeles.
The panel will be held Saturday October 29 at 3.30pm on our lovely patio (weather permitting)
Light refreshments will be served.
The panel will moderated by Curator Max Presneill.
This event is free to the public
The event is free to the public