Means and Ends
4478 W Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90016
Friday, February 17 at 6:00 PM 9:00 PM
Ends Mar 19, 2023
What are the limits of the work of art? What are the limits of the artist? What is produced by delimiting—or unlimiting—the production of these limits? Reveling-in the promiscuous place of these questions of contact, continuity, and containment, this exhibition unfolds from the seams of a relational power of shared space, cohabitated place, and constellations of proximate actions and events. In other words, this exhibition accumulates crossings, contaminations, and transmissions between collaborating artists and split artworks. The exhibited artists objet A.D and Reisig and Taylor are two separate couples from the same family who not only collaborate within their individual pairings, but who have also recently extended their collaboration between all four artists in the family through the production of a new series of experimental lenticular works. Revealing this new lenticular artwork, as well as new independent works by these two pairs of artists, Means and Ends—or, Nepotism and its Discontents sutures together the fragmented process of inherently connected but ultimately discrete agents/artists acting on the same artwork (with various materials deployed across multiple dimensions). Initially and ultimately, the doubled works are positioned along the ambiguous limits that determine the differences between desire, process, and result in the context of relation and collaboration.
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