A voice answering a voice: Marcus Brutus, Clyde Conwell, Manuel Mathieu
4654 W Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, 90016
Friday, July 21 at 5:00 PM 8:00 PM
Ends Sep 2, 2023
We’re excited to announce ‘A voice answering a voice’ – our first group exhibition across Berlin and Los Angeles. The exhibition coincides with the gallery's celebration of its fifteen-year anniversary in Berlin. As part of this celebration, the Los Angeles gallery will be featuring new paintings by Marcus Brutus, Clyde Conwell, and Manuel Mathieu. Across both Berlin and LA, ‘A voice answering a voice’ includes works by Marcus Brutus, Clyde Conwell, Denzil Forrester, Stefanie Heinze, Matthew Krishanu, Joy Labinjo, Misheck Masamvu, Manuel Mathieu, Han Shen, and Zhibo Wang. Join us on Friday the 21st for food and light refreshments as we celebrate this important milestone. Image: Marcus Brutus ‘Black and Blue on White’, 2023
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