4478 W Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90016
Saturday, July 22 at 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Ends Jul 22, 2023
This upcoming Saturday, July 22, Reisig and Taylor Contemporary is hosting a Poetry Reading organized by Saun Santipreecha in extension of his ongoing solo exhibition. This event coincides with the release of the print Catalogue for “Dandelye—or, Beneath this River’s Tempo’d Time We Walk.” (The Catalogue, which contains an introductory text as well as writings by the artist, will be available for purchase at the event.)
The gallery will be open from 6 – 9pm, with the reading occurring in two parts. The first part will begin at 7pm and will be followed by a brief intermission before moving into the second round of readings.
The selected poems hold special relations and untranslatable residues between the artist, the author(s), and the artworks produced as a response or continuation of these influential texts. While Santipreecha himself will not be reading all of the poems, he has personally selected readers who are able to perform the poems in their original language. He writes, “These are some of the poems that have influenced, either directly, in relation to, or created in response to, works within this exhibition. The idea of the reading is to present the works in their original languages as musical works in their own right and there will be provided texts with translations for those who want to follow along.” The performed poems include: A. Akhmatova, “Requiem”; E. Sitwell, “Three Rustic Elegies”; A. Rimbaud, “Le Bateau Ivre”; Phra Phutthaloetla Naphalai, “Sang Thong Fragment”; A. Pizarnik, “The Possessed Among the Lilacs (I and III)”; and, S. Teesud, “Dandelye.”
This socially, collaboratively tasked performance opens-up questions of communication and transmission—of finding meaning in the distance between oneself and someone else. What is the relation between form and knowledge? What is the difference between experience and understanding? How are bodies, materials, and sounds capable of holding or activating meaning while remaining errant and ambiguous?
Despite the separations situated by listening to language without (necessarily) knowing the words, the sheer musicality of shaped sounds suturing shared space and passing time transforms the gallery into a kind of medium or membrane that connects each body occupying the space.
Something is heard where it is impossible to hear. Something is shared when it is taken away.
Selected Performers include: Sudtee Teesud, Erika Sukstorf, Sinclair Vicisitud, and Luc Trahand.