2504 W 7th St 2nd floor, Los Angeles, CA 90057
Saturday, September 9 at 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Ends Oct 21, 2023
Luz Carabaño
September 9 - October 21, 2023
The act of image-making is always also a potential act of visualizing the ineffable. Between the eye’s observations and the movement of the hand, there is an opening in which we have a chance to glimpse a world unbound by conventional schemes of classification. This is a potential that is fully realized in Luz Carabaño’s recent paintings and drawings. In these enigmatic works, the eye is not given any foothold that supports easy recognition. There are no cues that allow effortless decoding of the objects that we encounter in the images. Instead, it is as if the works insist that we dwell on the shapes for what they are rather than the label under which they may be subsumed.