Nadia Waheed: A Strange Icarus
1700 S Santa Fe Avenue, #160, Los Angeles 90021
Saturday, September 23 at 4:00 PM 7:00 PM
Ends Oct 28, 2023
Nadia Waheed creates portals, not paintings. In [exhibition title], her first solo exhibition with Nicodim Gallery, Waheed ushers us into a transitional space that compels us to meditate on the timelessness to ourselves and the universe. Why is it that we have always turned our faces to the stars? Why is every culture founded upon an attempt to make meaning of our birth, death, and its aftermath? Pondering such questions, Waheed has brought into the world a series of works that explore the most ancient parts of ourselves, the pieces that remember the wonder of the first sunrise, the oldest wound, the enduring ache of human suffering across the ages. She reminds us that we do not exist only and entirely in the present, with our immediate cares and pleasures. We are always creatures of primordial origins imagining eternity in various guises, pondering age-old questions that gather evermore intricate and befuddling layers of meaning – consumption, innovation, theorization.