Andrew Huffman: Places And Spaces | Sweets & Treats
1109 N. La Brea Ave., Inglewood, CA 90302
Saturday, November 11 at 3:00 PM 6:00 PM
Ends Dec 22, 2023
Presenting the abstract paintings of Andrew Huffman in an exhibition entitled Places and Spaces. The title of the exhibition calls attention to the artist’s pursuit of a new direction in Hard Edge painting by seeking to imbue a genius loci into the formal geometric language of the movement. Places and Spaces features a selection of new and recent medium format paintings that seek to encapsulate the sensibilities of specific landscapes that the artist has explored, transforming states of being and feeling into cathartic optical objects. Building on the language of precisely positioned sharp edged color and predetermined sets of shapes arranged with an economy of means, Huffman pursues creating dynamic pattern systems, where conditions of instability foster new adaptations. Employing a pallet of high-key saturated colors in conjunction with cool greys and whites, Huffman’s paintings vibrate optically and spatially drawing equally from Supergraphics, Hard Edge and Optical art traditions of the West Coast. His compositions probe the visceral possibilities of positive and negative spaces on the surface of the canvas starting with graphite on the raw canvas and then developed in certain areas with subsequent layers of clear gesso set apart from other areas saturated with rich layers of color. He states, “I am fascinated with the ways pattern coupled with color can elicit directional movement and evoke visual harmonies and connections.” He seeks to dynamically engage the eye and mind of the viewer with the negative spaces being equally important and acting like windows into the development of the trajectory of the works. They allude to the enigmatic spaces and places of the mind and memory, and are in his words, “a call and response similar to a musician willing to listen and later accompany through improvisation.” ____ Edward Cella Gallery is pleased to present Sweets & Treats a kaleidoscopic and mouthwatering group exhibition featuring a compendium of new, recent, or historic abstract and figurative paintings, drawings, photographs, and sculptures created by the gallery's roster of artists and from artist’s working and living in Inglewood or beyond. The exhibition features work by Jennifer Bannert, Adam Berg, Kelly Brumfield Woods, Kendell Carter, Linda Daniels, Mara De Luca, Shahla Friberg, Pedro E. Guerrero, Laddy John Dill, Helen Lessick, Brad Miller, Moritz Neuhoff, Franco Mondini-Ruiz, Patti Oleon, Minna Philips, Mary Anna Pomonis, Megan Riera, Matthias Reinmuth, Stuart Sandford, Lisette Schumacher, Emily Silver, Chris Trueman, Bettina Weiss, and Wosene. The group exhibition is inspired by a 1964 photograph taken by Mexican American photographer Pedro E. Guerrero (1917-2012) of the Roxbury, Connecticut studio of American sculptor Alexander Calder (1898-1976) and celebrates the creative and generative power found in the studios of artists. Sweets & Treats highlights parallels and synchronicities between artists working in diverse locations; using a variety of processes and materials; and approaching from distinctive backgrounds, cultures, and identities. Installed in the Salon style, the exhibition juxtaposes paintings with drawings and photographs with sculptures offering visitors an immersive experience rich with graphic counterparts and comparisons. Underscoring the dynamic visual thinking and expression that each artist represented undertakes in their practices, the exhibition revels in the joy of looking and the sensory pleasure of enjoyment of art. Image: Pedro E. Guerrero "Calder Studio Interior, Roxbury, CT, 1964"