Dena D'Angelo & Damon Schindler
2754 La Cienega Blvd, Unit A Los Angeles, CA. 90034
Saturday, May 4 at 5:00 PM 8:00 PM
Ends Jun 1, 2024
Artists Dena D'Angelo and Damon Schindler share the gallery with playful paintings that merge abstract nature impressions and surreal landscapes. Dena experiments with an almost stained glass representation of rigid structure and order in nature softened by lyrical lines, curves, and peaks of feminine light. Whimsical themes of colorfully intertwined roots & branches or rowdy ocean waves often dance in her compositions. Damon is a storyteller. His surreal landscapes invite careful observation of all the details and a light hearted welcome to imaginative creatures who seem to be leading you onto a journey just off the edges of the canvas.
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