Blurry Pastures
357 N La Brea Ave 90036
Saturday, October 26 at 5:00 PM 7:00 PM
Ends Dec 14, 2024
A group show exercise for the gallery’s program to illustrate a unique take on the idea of a landscape painting. The goal is to illuminate unique processes and the varying perception each artist has within the genre. Rather than limiting landscapes to just picturesque depictions of natural scenery, we explore a broader conceptual framework. Over 20 new works by: Logan Adair Marcus Bernardes Jaqueline Cedar Sasha Court Ingrid Daniell Aryo Toh Djojo Jesse Edwards Hely Gonzalez Adam Hedley Gwen Hollingsworth Lynda Keeler Carol Leyba Matthew Miller Taishi Nishi Rick Osaka Future Retrieval Jessica Swaffer Laura Vahlberg
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