801 E. 4th Place, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Thursday, January 21 at 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Ends Jan 28, 2016
Event DescriptionArt Share L.A. and Paper And Fabric have teamed up to bring you #Repost, a gallery exhibit and popup shop celebrating connectivity through culture in our digital age; featuring two of LA's most recognizable street artists Colette Miller and WRDSMTH. Their uplifting public art has quickly reached a global, digital audience. The exhibit will show at Art Share L.A. gallery between January 20 - 28th. On Thursday, January 21, 2016 from 6:00 - 8:00PM, Emerging Leaders of Art Share L.A. will host a VIP reception and artist talk. Attendees will get a chance to mix and mingle with Colette Miller and WRDSMTH. We will also have a signing table for merchandise purchased at the Paper and Fabric Pop-Up Shop. VIP Reception sponsored by Iron Triangle Brewery. $40 Tickets for VIP ReceptionOpen to the public from 8:00 - 11:00PM. Pop-Up Show will feature prints by Colette Miller and WRDSMTH. $100 signed, $50 unsigned