3301 W Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90018
Saturday, March 12 at 6:00 PM 8:00 PM
Ends Apr 16, 2016
For his latest body of sculptures, David McDonald focuses on hydrocal, pigment and wood to create unusual, painterly and only slightly smaller than life sculptures. McDonald has allowed the hydrocal to–within reason–sag, drip and crack, and then has nearly-neatly stacked and aligned the sculptures, finally placing them on or in beautifully finished, but equally as curious wood pedestals. Devoted to their own materiality, McDonald’s sculptures are charming in their awkwardness; managing to be both clumsy and orderly each embraces its own distinct personality and sense of humor. Indeed, McDonald’s works are nothing if not witty in their relationship to more traditional sculptural forms and painting techniques, making irreverent nods to Assemblage, Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism. From thorough experimentation with medium and a masterful sense of color and space, McDonald defies the expected to create distinctive sculptures that embrace rhythm, material, color, bulk and pattern.
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