3301 W Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90018
Saturday, April 23 at 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Ends May 7, 2016
In the first floor gallery space Karolina Maszkiewicz will present several installations,each made of live flowers that makeup an ever-changing, live environment–a garden ofsorts–which she hopes visitors will experience and enjoy over the course of theexhibition. Alongside two large-scale sculptures, one hanging as a mobile from theceiling and one stacked on the ground, Maszkiewicz also created a series of faucets withupside-down flowers pouring out and landing in piles of pollen on the floor. Though herfloral installations are awash with metaphor and meaning, Maszkiewicz focuses on theseinstallations to investigate life, death, rebirth and the more tenuous side of human’srelationship with nature. These are concepts artists have explored throughout time, butMaszkiewicz looks at them at this specific moment in history. As a Los Angeles-basedartist, working in the era of celebrity, social media, and during a historic drought,Maszkiewicz’ sculptures and temporary installations take on a profound sense of bothcelebration and melancholy within the context of the urban jungle. In a two week period,Maszkiewicz’ installations will dry, wilt and die. A kind of microscopic and in-fast-forwardanalogy to our own life trajectory, Maszkiewicz’ intent is not to be morose. Rather, sheuses the flowers as a symbol to represent our basic human instinct that strives forbeauty, no matter the impermanence.Upstairs, Maszkiewicz presents an installation of her Diving Rods. Just as dowsingdevices are believed to find ground water, Divining Rods are energy surveyors that forma connection between the seeker and their object of desire. The viewer's energy movesthe rod towards what he or she instinctively needs; be it love, affection or inspiration.*ALLERGY NOTE this exhibition contains live flowers, insects and pollen.