206 S Ave 20 Los Angeles CA 90031
Saturday, June 11 at 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Ends May 26, 2016
LAST Projects is pleased to present This Will Hurt Me More Than You, an exhibition of works by Ciriza, Michael Dee, and Cynthia Herrera that implements visceral healing strategies for disembodimentb through the related concepts of the pharmakon and the pharmakos. Both pharmakon and pharmakos contain seemingly paradoxical dualities, the former referring to remedy/poison/ spell and the latter to a scapegoat/ human sacrifice/ magician/ healer/ . The pharmakos in ancient Greece took on collective sins or trauma and purified the community through death or ostracization. This ambiguous position is elucidated by Derrida in his deconstruction of Plato's Phaedrus and by Kristeva in her discussion of Oedipus as pharmakos king in The Powers of Horror. It is in this multiplicity of meaning that we approach the interventions of This Will Hurt me More Than You.