Jenni Sorkin: Live Form – Women, Ceramics, and Community talk and book signing
917 East 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Saturday, September 3 at 4:00 PM 6:00 PM
Ends Sep 3, 2016 @ Hauser Wirth & Schimmel and University of Chicago Press invite you to celebrate the publication of Live Form: Women, Ceramics, and Community and for a talk and book signing with author and co-curator of Revolution in the Making: Abstract Sculpture by Women 1947—2016, Jenni Sorkin. In Live Form, Sorkin focuses on three Americans who promoted ceramics as an advanced artistic medium: Marguerite Wildenhain, Mary Caroline (M. C.) Richards, and Susan Peterson. Far from being an isolated field, ceramics offered a sense of community and social engagement, which, Sorkin argues, crucially set the stage for later participatory forms of art and feminist collectivism.