1700 S. Santa Fe Avenue, unit 460, Los Angeles CA 90021
Saturday, November 19 at 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Ends Jan 7, 2017
Wilding Cran Gallery is pleased to present When I Can No Longer Fall In Love For The First Time, an exhibition of new work by Canadian artist Martin Bennett. On view November 19 through January 7, this project-based series of paintings offers a glimpse into Bennett’s collected insights of his family history and an exploration within the human tradition of doubt. ABOUT MARTIN BENNETTMartin Bennett was born in Winchester, United Kingdom and is based in Saskatoon, Canada.Bennett’s current practice revolves around three ongoing series that he began in the mid-nineties and include: Grey Volume Paintings, Variant Flash Paintings and Static Image Paintings. The Grey Volume Paintings are monochromatic canvases that he began producing in 1995, the Variant Flash Paintings are gestural compositions initiated in 1996, and Static Image Paintings are image-based paintings that he started making in 1999. All three components are represented in When I Can No Longer Fall In Love For The First Time.He incorporates photography, digital manipulation, and traditional painting techniques, and typically feature flat, geometric planes of various colors. Each work is based on a photograph taken by Bennett during trips to Europe and Canada, which he then digitally reduces into black-and-white renderings and projects onto canvas, ultimately using the image as the basis for a painting. As a final step, Bennett sands down the surface of his painting such that the weave of the canvas becomes visible, creating a layered, textured effect.Bennett’s work has been vastly displayed across Canada, in both solo and group exhibitions. Participating in exhibitions since the early nineties, his work has most recently been shown at The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery (Toronto),Clint Roenisch Gallery (Toronto), Glenbow Museum (Calgary), The Esplanade Arts and Heritage Centre (Medicine Hat), and Mendel Art Gallery (Saskatoon). His work may also be viewed in such permanent collections as The Alberta Foundation for the Arts (Alberta), Canadiana Fund (Ottawa), University of Lethbridge Art Gallery (Alberta), and many other galleries, museums, and libraries throughout Canada.