410 Cottage Home St., Los Angeles, CA 90012
Wednesday, April 12 at 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Ends Apr 23, 2017
Indecent Exposure is a retrospective of Margie Schnibbe’s sexually explicit videos and includes over twenty years of work. Paying homage to Cinemaland, the building's previous tenants, the main gallery is utilized as a casual movie theater, with a ninety-nine minute video program projected as a continuous loop. Nightly intimate performances in the theatre’s back room by artists Kim Yi, Gregory Barnett, Joe Merrell, D Og, Karl Petion, Alan Ishi, Badly Licked Bear, Whitney Gibson and Shelley Holcomb (Whits n Giggles), Johnnie Jungleguts, Molly Shea, Travis D, and more.