Book Signing with Lenard Smith "A Sort of Looking"
8675 Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232
Saturday, April 15 at 4:00 PM 6:00 PM
Ends Apr 15, 2017
A Sort Of Looking is Los Angeles-based photographer Lenard Smith's first major publication. In it, he presents a selection of seductive images from the past five years of work that draw lines connecting the artist’s hand and chance. The formal compositions of his still lifes bring attention to the banal object form; tissue paper, flower, and in between the exploration of sculptural arrangements. Smith’s portrait work commands attention - bringing the viewer up close up to his subjects - whether they are photographed in the studio or quickly on the streets. These powerful portraits act as a metronome throughout the entire book, grounding the audience. The title reveals the artist’s engagement with institutional critique, and plays with the discourse that is commonly used in art conversations. A Sort of Looking is in fact Lenard Smith’s own looking, and not a “sort of”, but exactly how he is able to view the world in front of his lens just as he sees it.Please join us Saturday, April 15th between 4:00 and 6:00 PM as we welcome our friend Lenard to celebrate this lovely new limited edition, nearly-sold-out survey of recent work. If you are unable to attend but wish to purchase a signed copy of A Sort of Looking, please place your order on our secure website here, or call us at 310-458-1499. Arcana: Books on the Arts8675 Washington Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90232