2379 Glendale Blvd, Los Angeles 90039
Saturday, May 13 at 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Ends May 28, 2017
Kira Vollman | Ascending IntervalsOpening reception May 13, 6-10pmOn View May 9 - 28, 2017The Neutra Institute Museum & Gallery2379 Glendale Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90039Kira Vollman, longtime contributor and collaborator in both the art and experimental music scene in Los Angeles, will present Ascending Intervals a solo exhibition at Neutra Institute and Museum in Silverlake opening May 13th, 6-10pm.Vollman is a multi-media artist who mixes painting, photography, sculpture, sound and repurposed scrap to create surreal landscapes and soundscapes, sometimes bringing all of these elements together in one piece. Her exhibition at Neutra can be described as having the ability to transform and transcend. The items she uses in her work, whether it be a mundane home decor item or industrial surplus, scrap metal or tree branches waiting for a chipper, all become about personal transformation. The pieces/installation on view takes as its point of departure the idea of the spaces between–between materials, between structures, between thought and between meaning.